Highlander CrossFit IRA Challenge 2022

22 Oct 2022

17 Brink street, Ermelo, South Africa

Highlander CrossFit IRA Challenge, hosted by CrossFit IRA.

Crossfit Games Open based.
One division
3 Wods for the day.. excluding the final wod for the top 5

Some Guidelines for entry:

Open Division

Clean + Jerk 60/45kg
Snatch 50/35kg + OH Squats
Thrusters 50/30kg
DB+ KB movements with 22,5/15kg 10/24kg
DL 100/65kg, Slam Balls between 20kg-female and 40kg Male.
Gymnastic movements include Pull-up, TTB, Wall Walks.
Cardio movements , Row, Ski , run, burpee , Assault bike , Box Jumps 24/20..
FINAL FOR THE TOP 5 MAY INCLUDE rope climbs , heavier weight , more difficult gymnastic movements like mu, hs walk, hspu, pistols…

For any event related queries, please email [email protected]

Website: https://irahpc.co.za/

Instagram: https://instagram.com/ira_hpc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

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