14 Nov 2021
CrossFit Polokwane, 131 Dorp St, Hospital Park, Polokwane, South Africa
CrossFit Polokwane In-House Qualifier to THE FITTEST Functional Fitness Championships™ Provincials.
The male and female that are crowned THE FITTEST at the in-house qualifier in each division will receive an invitation to enter the Provincial stage.
Terms and conditions
All Facilities host the in house competitions at their own Risk and and the athletes compete in the event at their own Risk.
The FITTEST Functional Fitness Championships will not held liable for any damages or injuries that result from partaking in the event.
The FITTEST FFC™️ in-house qualifier event makes provision for athletes that are members at the facility hosting the qualifier, to compete for a spot at the final event.
Athletes that are not a member at the hosting facility may enter under the Wild Card online qualifier.
These athletes may approach a licensed qualifier host to join in and be judged at the event but will not form part of the hosting Facilities leaderboard but rather the Wild Card online qualifier.
The male and female that are crowned THE FITTEST at the in-house qualifier in each division will receive an invitation to enter the provincial event.
The top athlete in each division will compete against athletes that qualified through another licensed THE FITTEST facility that hosted a qualifier as well as against the Online Wild Card athlete in the applicable division.
The Wild Card qualifier makes provision for athletes that want to compete in THE FITTEST FFC but does not have a membership at a licensed Facility.
Entry fees are non-refundable.
T-Shirt sizes are collected for data purposes and do not form part of the entry fee.
The FITTEST retains the right at their sole discretion to refuse any given athlete entry into their event or may cease them from further participating in the event if the athlete is guilty of any of the following:
1. Suspected of using illegal sports performance drugs.
2. Bad sportsmanship conduct at this event or any other event outside of the Fittest.
3. The Fittest retains the right to perform any necessary test on any athlete at any given time to establish if the athlete is under the influence of illegal sports performance drugs.
4. The FITTEST FFC™️ can decide, in their sole discretion, what constitutes bad sportsmanship and their decision is final.
5. Athletes may be banned up to 4 years if they are found guilty of any of the above misconducts.
COVID-19 Disclaimer
Event Subject to Lockdown regulations. We retain the right to adjust the event in any manner necessary to comply with national lockdown regulations. The event is done at own risk.
Categories: RX / Intermediate/Masters / Beginner / Teens 14-15 / Teens 16-17
Entry Fee: R550 per entry
For any event related queries, please email ryno@blackopsfitness.co.za
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_fittest_southafrica/